Books of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

TypeItem nameJapanese nameQualityOriginEffect
Swordsman ScrollBook of 5 Rings 香取神道流書10JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollShinkage Scroll 新陰百首9JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollTwin Edge Scroll 陰流之私8JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollShinto Scroll 五輪書7JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollImperial Scroll 平法口決6JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollLone Sword Scroll 一刀流口伝書5JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollDuelist's Scroll 田宮流居合書4JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollDefensive Scroll 夕雲流剣術書3JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollWarrior's Scroll 平常無敵書2JapanSkill[Taunt]
Swordsman ScrollPage's Scroll 本朝武芸小伝1JapanSkill[Taunt]
Scroll of FarmingHarvest Scroll 農業全書10JapanPolitics + 10
Scroll of FarmingAgriculture Tome 農政全書9ChinaPolitics + 9
Scroll of FarmingFarmer's Scroll 農具便利論8JapanPolitics + 8
Scroll of FarmingFertilizer Scroll 広益国産考7JapanPolitics + 7
Scroll of FarmingSeiryō Chronicle 清良記6JapanPolitics + 6
Scroll of FarmingLocust Scroll 除蝗録5JapanPolitics + 5
Scroll of FarmingHeritage Scroll 家業伝4JapanPolitics + 4
Scroll of FarmingIrrigation Scroll 会津農書3JapanPolitics + 3
Scroll of FarmingTraveler's Scroll 南遊紀行2JapanPolitics + 2
Scroll of FarmingGrassy Scroll 毛吹草1JapanPolitics + 1
Scroll of CommerceEconomics Diary 経済録10JapanPolitics + 10
Scroll of CommerceSōkyū Imai Diary 今井宗久日記9JapanPolitics + 9
Scroll of CommerceDiary of Routes 蔭凉軒日録8JapanPolitics + 8
Scroll of CommerceDiary of Mistakes 島井宗室訓戒7JapanPolitics + 7
Scroll of CommerceMerchant's Diary 町人考見録6JapanPolitics + 6
Scroll of CommerceSōtan Diary 宗湛日記5JapanPolitics + 5
Scroll of CommerceUmezu Diary 梅津政景日記4JapanPolitics + 4
Scroll of CommerceDiary of Rivers 松屋筆記3JapanPolitics + 3
Scroll of CommerceDiary of Ideas 中島両以記文2JapanPolitics + 2
Scroll of CommerceDiary of Debts 身自鏡1JapanPolitics + 1
Building ManualFortification Guide 築城記10JapanPolitics + 10
Building ManualFormulae Manual 秘伝軍礼聞書9JapanPolitics + 9
Building ManualArtisan's Manual 愚子見記8JapanPolitics + 8
Building ManualWorkman's Manual 惣地取奥義7JapanPolitics + 7
Building ManualMechanic's Manual 匠明6JapanPolitics + 6
Building ManualHousing Manual 匠家極秘伝5JapanPolitics + 5
Building ManualModeler's Manual 武教全書4JapanPolitics + 4
Building ManualCarpenter's Manual 匠道奥秘巻3JapanPolitics + 3
Building ManualPatterns Manual 士鑑用法2JapanPolitics + 2
Building ManualBeginner's Manual 兵法雄鑑1JapanPolitics + 1
Scroll of HistoryComplete Histories 徒然草10JapanIntelligence + 10
Scroll of HistoryArchived Periodicals 閑吟集9JapanIntelligence + 9
Scroll of HistoryJōzan Periodicals 常山紀談8JapanIntelligence + 8
Scroll of HistoryAbbot's Periodicals 方丈記7JapanIntelligence + 7
Scroll of HistoryUji Periodicals 宇治拾遺物語6JapanIntelligence + 6
Scroll of HistoryVenerable Periodicals 老人雑話5JapanIntelligence + 5
Scroll of HistoryLamplight Periodicals 武野燭談4JapanIntelligence + 4
Scroll of HistoryOld Periodicals 翁草3JapanIntelligence + 3
Scroll of HistoryEssays in Idleness 落穂集2JapanIntelligence + 2
Scroll of HistoryNijō Periodicals 二条河原落書1JapanIntelligence + 1
Scroll of DiplomacyDiplomatic Scroll 善隣国宝記10JapanCharm + 10
Scroll of DiplomacyNeighborly Scroll 歴代宝案9JapanCharm + 9
Scroll of DiplomacySuccessive Tome 海東諸国記8ChinaCharm + 8
Scroll of DiplomacyForeign Scroll 異国日記7JapanCharm + 7
Scroll of DiplomacyJapanese Tome 日本一鑑6ChinaCharm + 6
Scroll of DiplomacyWestern Scroll 西遊雑記5JapanCharm + 5
Scroll of DiplomacyEastern Scroll 東国紀行4JapanCharm + 4
Scroll of DiplomacyMunicipal Scroll 都の3JapanCharm + 3
Scroll of DiplomacyHarmonious Scroll 廻国雑記2JapanCharm + 2
Scroll of Diplomacy16 Moon Scroll 十六夜日記1JapanCharm + 1
Warrior's ScrollHero's Scroll 竹内流柔術書10JapanLeadership + 10
Warrior's ScrollRighteous Scroll 楊心流柔術書9JapanLeadership + 9
Warrior's ScrollVanguard's Scroll 大東流柔術書8JapanLeadership + 8
Warrior's ScrollLife Tree Scroll 高木流柔術書7JapanLeadership + 7
Warrior's ScrollMind's Eye Scroll 福野流柔術書6JapanLeadership + 6
Warrior's ScrollTactician's Scroll 心眼流柔術書5JapanLeadership + 5
Warrior's ScrollWillow Heart Scroll 磯貝流柔術書4JapanLeadership + 4
Warrior's ScrollSoldier's Scroll 起倒流柔術書3JapanLeadership + 3
Warrior's ScrollRipped Scroll 三浦流柔術書2JapanLeadership + 2
Warrior's ScrollBloodied Scroll 関口流柔術書1JapanLeadership + 1
Equestrian ScrollEmpathy Scroll 大坪流桐坪巻10JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollOgasawara Scroll 小笠原流庭乗9JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollHorsemanship Scroll 荒木流馬術書8JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollMongolian Scroll 八条流幸秀論7JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollEquestrian Scroll 神当流音捨巻6JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollKnight's Scroll 騎士用本5JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollRider's Scroll 射法一統4JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollDressage Scroll 馬術秘書3JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollTrodden Scroll 馬術歌之書2JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Equestrian ScrollSquire's Scroll 庭乗之書1JapanSkill[Charge 1]
Archer's ScrollDead Flight Scroll 稲富流砲術書10JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollLazy Eye Scroll 津田流砲術書9JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollClout Scroll 外記流砲術書8JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollMarksman's Scroll 田付流砲術書7JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollHunter's Scroll 関流砲術書6JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollNocking Scroll 霞流砲術書5JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollFocus Scroll 荻野流砲術書4JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollStringing Scroll 高島流秘伝書3JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollSimple Scroll 天山流砲術書2JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Archer's ScrollPierced Scroll 中島流砲術書1JapanSkill[Volley 1]
Knowledge ScriptMantis Analects 史記10ChinaPolitics + 10
Knowledge ScriptJōgan Era Analects 貞観政要10ChinaPolitics + 10
Knowledge ScriptJōei Era Analects 貞永式目抄9JapanPolitics + 9
Knowledge ScriptConfucian Analects 論語9ChinaPolitics + 9
Knowledge ScriptAncient Analects 春秋佐氏伝8ChinaPolitics + 8
Knowledge ScriptSeasonal Analects 憔談治要8JapanPolitics + 8
Knowledge ScriptPivotal Analects 古事記7JapanPolitics + 7
Knowledge ScriptRegistry Analects 十八史略7ChinaPolitics + 7
Knowledge ScriptArchival Analects 政事要略6JapanPolitics + 6
Knowledge ScriptPolitical Analects 日本大文典6EuropePolitics + 6
Knowledge ScriptLinguist's Analects 延喜式5JapanPolitics + 5
Knowledge ScriptRegulatory Analects 漢書5ChinaPolitics + 5
Knowledge ScriptChinese Analects 吾妻鏡4JapanPolitics + 4
Knowledge ScriptMirrored Analects 資治通鑑4ChinaPolitics + 4
Knowledge ScriptHistorical Analects 日葡辞書3EuropePolitics + 3
Knowledge ScriptForeign Analects 和漢朗詠集3JapanPolitics + 3
Knowledge ScriptPoetic Analects 尺素往来2JapanPolitics + 2
Knowledge ScriptPrinciple Analects 塵塚物語2JapanPolitics + 2
Knowledge ScriptHomemade Analects 節用集1JapanPolitics + 1
Knowledge ScriptDictionary Analects 庭訓往来1JapanPolitics + 1
Tactics ManualThe Art of War 呉子10ChinaIntelligence + 10
Tactics ManualValiant Manual 孫子10ChinaIntelligence + 10
Tactics ManualVisionary Manual 黄石公三略9ChinaIntelligence + 9
Tactics Manual6 Arts Manual 六韜9ChinaIntelligence + 9
Tactics Manual3 Kingdoms Manual 三國志演義8ChinaIntelligence + 8
Tactics ManualTaiheki 太平記8JapanIntelligence + 8
Tactics ManualForesight Manual 司馬法7ChinaIntelligence + 7
Tactics ManualSiege Manual 平家物語7JapanIntelligence + 7
Tactics Manual36 Strategy Manual 三十六計6ChinaIntelligence + 6
Tactics ManualThe Water Margin 水滸伝6ChinaIntelligence + 6
Tactics ManualJailer's Manual 義経記5JapanIntelligence + 5
Tactics ManualMongolian Manual 梅松論5JapanIntelligence + 5
Tactics ManualWarlord's Manual 尉繚子4ChinaIntelligence + 4
Tactics ManualCombat Manual 蒙古秘史4ChinaIntelligence + 4
Tactics ManualŌnin Era Chronicle 応仁記3JapanIntelligence + 3
Tactics ManualSkirmish Manual 鬼谷子3ChinaIntelligence + 3
Tactics ManualJōkyu Era Chronicle 承久記2JapanIntelligence + 2
Tactics ManualCivil War Manual 李衛公問対2ChinaIntelligence + 2
Tactics ManualEikyō Era Chronicle 永享記1JapanIntelligence + 1
Tactics ManualOld Manual 戦国策1ChinaIntelligence + 1
Medical ScrollEntire Medical Works 医書大全10Japanincreases life span
Medical ScrollVenerable Works 三喜廻翁医書8Japanincreases life span
Medical ScrollEnlightened Works 啓迪集6Japanincreases life span
Medical ScrollComplex Works 徳本医方4Japanincreases life span
Medical ScrollDifficult Works 八十一難経2Japanincreases life span
TypeItem nameJapanese nameQualityOriginEffect