All officer of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

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1st Name(Jp)Last Name(Jp) Born yeardead yearentry biography
Given NameFamily Name POLLEAINTCHMVirtueAffinity
VocationReligion Skills  
頼久小貫 154416031559 Satake retainer, Served Yoshishige and Yoshinobu for 2 generations. He played an important role in Satake diplomacy.
Yorihisa Onuki 553554 6465 17
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
国綱宇都宮 156816071580 22nd head of the Utsunomiya, Hirotsuna's heir. He fought in Hideyoshi Toyotomi's conquest of Odawara. He got involved in a Toyotomi clan scandal and was stripped of his titles.
Kunitsuna Utsunomiya 574551 4944 17
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
憲秀松田 154015901555 Hōjō retainer, served as an elderly advisor. During Hideyoshi Toyotomi's conquest of Odawara, he tried to defect to Hideyoshi but failed and had to commit suicide.
Norihide Matsuda 63967 615 17
RetainerBuddhism [Taunt][-] [-]
宗能久能 152716091542 Imagawa retainer, lord of Kuno Castle. He joined the Tokugawa after the demise of his master's clan. He ruled Sakura Castle at one time but returned back to Kuno Castle.
Muneyoshi Kuno 534357 4233 17
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
重興伊地知 152815801543 From a powerful clan in Ōsumi, lord of Obama Castle. He allied with the Kimotsuki and fought the Shimazu. He later joined the Shimazu and fought against the Ōtomo.
Shigeoki Ijichi 335663 5538 17
KokuninBuddhism [Swift][Rally] [-]
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