All officer of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

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1st Name(Jp)Last Name(Jp) Born yeardead yearentry biography
Given NameFamily Name POLLEAINTCHMVirtueAffinity
VocationReligion Skills  
就忠児玉 150715621522 Mōri retainer. He assisted his master, Motonari, in preparing his inheritance. He later became one of the five clan administrators. He was regarded very highly by Motonari.
Naritada Kodama 692761 6962 35
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
就方児玉 151315881528 Mōri retainer. He came to serve the Mōri with his brother, Mototada's approval. He later became the lord of the Kusatsu Castle. He led the Mōri navy.
Narikata Kodama 325647 5454 35
PirateBuddhism [Swift][-] [-]
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