All officer of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

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片家山崎 154715911562 Rokkaku retainer, lord of Yamazaki Castle. After fighting with Yoshiharu, he left and joined Nobunaga Oda. After the Honnōji incident, he eventually served Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Kataie Yamazaki 334044 4437 32
KokuninBuddhism [-][-] [-]
家盛山崎 156716141582 Toyotomi retainer, Kataie's heir. Managed the construction of Fushimi Castle. During the battle of Sekigahara he sided with the western army.
Iemori Yamazaki 432737 4540 32
KokuninBuddhism [-][-] [-]
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