All officer of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

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1st Name(Jp)Last Name(Jp) Born yeardead yearentry biography
Given NameFamily Name POLLEAINTCHMVirtueAffinity
VocationReligion Skills  
定綱大内 154616101561 From a powerful clan in Mutsu. Served the Date but turned against them after Masamune assumed power. He returned to serving the Date after losing a battle to Masamune.
Sadatsuna Ōuchi 245256 4321 26
KokuninBuddhism [Volley 3][-] [-]
正綱岡部 154215831557 Imagawa retainer. He joined the Takeda after the Imagawa met its demise. Fought in the battle of Mikatagahara. Joined the Tokugawa after the Takeda were finished.
Masatsuna Okabe 563846 4637 26
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
重忠公文 151815771533 From a powerful clan in Tosa, lord of Tokuzen Castle. He first fought against Kunichika Chōsokabe but later became his retainer. It is said he was a brave warrior but also very poor.
Shigetada Kumon 15851 3834 26
KokuninBuddhism [Volley 3][-] [-]
純泰安富 156016091575 Arima retainer, lord of Fukae Castle. He later served Takanobu Ryūzōji. He was attacked by the Arima but defeated them with the Ryūzōji. He later changed his name to Fukase.
Sumiyasu Yasutomi 284350 4067 26
SamuraiBuddhism [-][-] [-]
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