All officer of "Nobunaga's Ambition : Rise to Power"

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義元今川 151915601534 9th head of the Imagawa. Formed the Kai-Sagami-Suruga alliance, amassing great strength. He was killed by Nobunaga Oda while on his way to the capital in a surprise attack.
Yoshimoto Imagawa 837672 8044 41
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氏真今川 153816141553 10th head of the Imagawa, Yoshimoto's heir. He spent most of his time playing games and writing poetry. As a result, Ieyasu Tokugawa and Shingen Takeda confiscated his realm.
Ujizane Imagawa 3957 8137 41
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氏広関口 152315621538 Imagawa retainer, lord of Mochimune Castle. Married Yoshimoto Imagawa's sister. His daughter married Ieyasu Tokugawa. His life ends when Ujizane orders him to commit suicide.
Ujihiro Sekiguchi 57954 4865 43
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